Week 7 Prompt

I am not sure whether I am in the majority or minority with this opinion, but I think celebrity book clubs are a good thing. There are a few reasons why I think this.

First off, it increases sales for these chosen books. That's a given. Secondly, it provides exposure for authors and their books. Lastly, it makes people talk more about books. 

I am not really going to mention that first point I made, mainly because it is simple. Money is money, everybody wants it. As for the second point I made, exposure for these authors is amazing. Variety states, "According to market research company the NPD Group, Hummel saw a 103% jump in sales over three months. And it was a big career boost. Time Magazine later chose “Still Lives” as a 2018 top new summer read. She soon started seeing her book make international waves." This is life changing, over-night fame basically. As a huge reader, and a (hopefully) future author, this makes me so happy. These authors get the fame and attention they deserve, for the most part. 

Lastly, talking about books leads to more people reading books. As an avid reader, I love hearing people talk about books and their most recent read. I see this everyday on social media, especially on TikTok. It makes me happy to see. Former President Barack Obama releases his top reads list on social media every year, which I actually look forward to seeing. I love that he does this. Makes him more human, or relatable in a way. 

Overall, I do enjoy celebrity book clubs. I don't personally take part in them, but I appreciate that celebrities do this. One wish I do have for these celebrities that take part is that they do their research before choosing their books. I am sure they do, because they don't want to run into any publicity issues, but I just thought I should add that in. With that being said, I do appreciate the attention they bring to writers who may have receive as much as they deserve. 


  1. I couldn't agree more! Your three reasons are spot on! Great prompt response!

  2. Yes! I don't see anything wrong with them since it is a great way for otherwise unknown authors to get some exposure.


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