Week 15 Prompt

    I think displays are a great way to market my library's fiction collection. We have a few different displays, and they are always changing! Right now, we have a "Step back in time" display, featuring historical fiction. We have a Earth Day display, featuring books where the setting and environment is a big part of the story. There is also a poetry display, which has been quite popular. Another one of our displays is called "Interstellar" and that display features science fiction books that deal with space. Staff members get so creative with these, and it seems that the patrons enjoy them! 

    Another great way to market my library's fiction collection is with our book club. This has been a huge hit. The selection for the monthly read was done at the beginning of the year, so patrons can see all 12 books that were selected. There are monthly meetings for patrons to come and chat about the book. I think this is a great way to market our fiction collection because it is getting people to read something that they normally wouldn't reach for. Plus, you get to share your thoughts with others and meet some new people in your community. 

    My library doesn't do this, but I think it would be great to do. Included in a monthly, or weekly newsletter, there should be an area showing what the library staff is currently reading. This could be fun, showing patrons what we are all currently reading. This is another way to market our fiction collection, while also getting others to read something new/out of their comfort zone. 


  1. I didn't think about how our book clubs really help to promote our fiction, but it's so true. My library makes a point of selecting books that are good, but might not be the most well known, so it really brings awareness of different authors to our users.

    I also talked about sharing staff picks in my initial post, but I discussed more of a social media aspect. I like the idea of including it in a newsletter as well! There's just something about being able to recommend a book authentically because we've read it ourselves!

  2. I agree that including a section in the weekly or monthly newsletter about what staff are currently reading could show off some books that may not get as much love. It would also help those who know what their favorite genre is and see what others are reading, and it may help that once they try one book from a staff member they like, they may be able to take up on another book that is a genre that they normally wouldn't go for.


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